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Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 32 Port 10GE Switch WS-C4500X-32SFP+ Enterprise License

SKU: AR_Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 32

Availability: 3 item(s)

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Up for sale is a used Cisco Catalyst 4500-X 32 Port 10GE Switch WS-C4500X-32SFP+ Enterprise License.

It has been tested and is in good working condition.

Rackmount ears are installed.


Console Output:

Switch#show inv
NAME: "Switch System", DESCR: "Cisco Systems, Inc. WS-C4500X-32 2 slot switch "
PID: , VID: , SN: JAE161102XP

NAME: "Supervisor(slot 1)", DESCR: "4500X-32 10GE (SFP+)"
PID: WS-C4500X-32 , VID: V02 , SN: JAE161102XP

NAME: "Power Supply 1", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 750W )"
PID: C4KX-PWR-750AC-R , VID: V01 , SN: ART1752X0F4

NAME: "Power Supply 2", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 750W )"
PID: C4KX-PWR-750AC-R , VID: V01 , SN: ART1752X0F0

Switch#show version
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst 4500 L3 Switch Software (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 03.08.06.E RELEASE SOFTWARE


ROM: 15.0(1r)SG(15)
Switch uptime is 3 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SPA.03.08.06.E.152-4.E6.bin"
Jawa Revision 2, Winter Revision 0x0.0x1C

Last reload reason: Reload command


License Information for 'WS-C4500X-32'
License Level: entservices Type: Permanent Right-To-Use
Next reboot license Level: entservices

cisco WS-C4500X-32 (MPC8572) processor (revision 4) with 4194304K bytes of physical memory.
Processor board ID JAE161102XP
MPC8572 CPU at 1.5GHz, Cisco Catalyst 4500X
Last reset from Reload
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
32 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
511K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

Configuration register is 0x2102