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Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF Gas Flow Ventilator Analyzer

SKU: AR_Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF

Availability: 1 item(s)

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Up for sale is a used Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF Gas Flow Ventilator Analyzer.

It has been power on tested.

It has a new O2 sensor and has been used calibrated.

Original Manufacturer Description:

The VT PLUS HF is Fluke Biomedical’s premier general-purpose gas-flow analyzer. In addition, special display modes and bi-directional flow make it perfect for fully and efficiently testing both conventional mechanical ventilators and high-frequency ventilators. EC.6.20 now requires 100 % completion of scheduled life-support device preventive maintenance every year, and VT PLUS HF can help meet those requirements. Multiple special-function tests make troubleshooting quick and efficient.
VT PLUS HF has the capability to measure either high- or low-flow and pressure, replacing the need for gauges and flow meters. It measures 21 ventilator parameters and can display all of them on one screen. Results can be printed directly from the unit or from a PC with included Windows compatible software. VT PLUS HF also has onboard graphing capability and shows the minimum, maximum, average, and absolute measurement for all parameters.